The vestry is the elected governing body of the parish. In addition to the Rector, the vestry is composed of two wardens & 12 members who represent the St. Augustine’s church community.

The vestry has two faces: Spiritual leadership and management. While leadership and management are different, they are complementary and essential. The vestry manages the Parish Operations, Finances, and Property. Working closely with the Rector, the vestry helps define the mission and direction of the Parish.


Wardens and Vestry
(Click Photos to Enlarge)



Vestry: Class of 2016:






Class of 2017:










Class of 2018:









Phone: (718) 629-0959
     (718) 629-5145

Sunday Services:

  • 8:00 am: Said Mass & Sermon

  • 9:30 am: Sunday School and Teen Forum

  • 11:00 am: Sung Mass & Sermon

Wednesday Services:

  • 10:00 am: Holy Eucharist


  • 7:00 pm: Bible Study

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Diocese of Long Island
Episcopal Charities
Episcopal Relief & Development 
The Episcopal Church, USA